IU #009: Super Exciting Announcement! šŸŽ‰


After a week of pasta, pizza, coffee, wine and sunshine, Iā€™m back from Italy.

What an AMAZING week!

We flew to Brindisi and travelled around Puglia. I would definitely recommend visiting that part of the world.

I may have missed the past 2 newsletters, but the good news is that I have a HUGE announcement about my next project!

VERY exciting news.

Before I announce my upcoming project, I wanted to give you some background.

So, over the past two years, Iā€™ve released 2 e-books.

My first was How to Find a Job in Data Analytics. It was a book of interviews with data experts.

Not everyone has the access (or the time) to talk to the most successful data analysts on the planet. So, I reached out to them for you.

That book was where 64 data experts shared the stories of their careers - How they got a job in data, what their job is like and what they wish they had known sooner.

It was awesome to learn what itā€™s like to work with data in different jobs, industries and countries.

Itā€™s the book I wish I had when I first started.

Maybe, Iā€™m just lazy, but I find life so much easier when someone tells me all about their experience and just tells me what to do.

Between you and me, it was also a sneaky way of me getting to talk to all these amazing people.

ā€˜Hey, please talk to meā€™ doesnā€™t always work, but ā€˜Hey, can I interview you for my book?ā€™ works really well.

Iā€™m super proud of it.

My second book was, ā€˜How to Transform Your Resume with ChatGPTā€™. Itā€™s a very simple guide for using ChatGPT to:

  • Create a resume that is perfectly tailored to a job description

  • Create a cover letter

  • Predict interview questions

  • Generate interview answers

Iā€™m super proud of both books and I still sell a tonne of copies every week. I would still definitely recommend them, butā€¦

As much as I loved my e-books, I always knew there was something missing.

When people visited my LinkedIn profile, they were promised, ā€˜I can help you land a job through online networkingā€™.

Despite creating content every day for 18 months, I still felt like I wasnā€™t doing enough to help.

So, I started this newsletter. Every week, I would explain how to land a job through online networking in even more detail.

Yes, my work had a lot of strategy, but I had never explained the entire strategy from start to finish.

How could I expect people to follow it if I hadnā€™t released it in the correct order?

So, I started coaching people.

I have LOVED explaining my strategy to people 1:1. Many of my clients have landed their first job, their first interview and built out their network.

Their instant feedback and questions have helped me to flesh out strategies in even more detail.

(If that sounds helpful, you can find my coaching here)

So, hereā€™s the announcement!

Iā€™ve completed the first draft of my new e-book!

Yep. You guessed it. Itā€™s called ā€˜Infinite Upside: How to Land a Job Through Online Networking'.

Itā€™s a step-by-step strategy guide that has my entire strategy from start to finish.

I know the jobs market is absolutely brutal right now, so Iā€™m going to make you an offer you canā€™t refuse.

Iā€™m going to release it as ā€œpay whatever price you likeā€.

So, if you are short on cash you can get it for FREE and if not, you can pay whatever price you like.

Pretty exciting, right?!

Here are the chapters for Infinite Upside: How to Land a Job Through Online Networking:

1. The Benefits of Online Networking

2. How to Find Your Dream Job

3. How to Prove You Can Add Value (The Art of Storytelling)

4. Revamping Your Resume, Portfolio, and LinkedIn Profile

5. Building a Resilient Mindset for Job Hunting & Networking

6. Building Your Professional Online Network - Hiring Managers

7. Building Your Professional Online Network - Recruiters & Industry Pros

8. Leveraging Your Network to Land Job Interviews

9. Leveraging Your Network to Perform in Job Interviews

10. Maintaining Your Network - Keeping the Spark Alive

I canā€™t wait to release it over the next couple of weeks!

Iā€™d love to hear your feedback.

Do you have any questions youā€™d like answered in the book? Got any ideas? Want to design my front cover? haha

Reply, to this email or drop a comment on my daily LinkedIn posts to get in touch.

If you would like your friends to get this book for free or any of my free strategies, share this link with your network.

They will have access to all my previous newsletters and be first to hear about my upcoming e-book.

Thanks and Iā€™ll see you next week.



Thanks again for all the amazing feedback!